I am Anunigger Usir Asunanu

About me

I was born on English soil in the year of their lord 1958.My grandfather was from central Amexem(Africa),my grandmother was a Zulu from zululand in what is called South Africa.Both my parents come from the carry beyond(carribean),my father from Jamaica and my mother from St Kitts.My people are thoses descended from slavery.I WAS BORN FREE..I grew up in Brimingham, in and around Handsworth and for the best part of fifty years I have remained in Brimingham, does that make me a Brummie?.

My business idea is to create customised necklaces,from semi precious stones for specific therapeutic purposes- Healing,Love,Prosperity,Birthstone.It started when I became interested in the therapeutic properties of quartz crystals and semi-precious stones. I was keen to try them for myself, but I could only find bracelets, and, the odd plain necklace, with only one type of bead. I wanted a variety of stones and thougth,well why not make my own. In doing that other folk have asked me to make them one too. They just said what stones they preffered,and left the artistic design to me.My message to anyone who is thinking of starting their own business is: IF YOU HAVE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE -DO IT.

The passage above is an exstract taken from an article published in a magazine entitled 3 estates LIFE May 2004-issue 39 A jewel in the crown.(THE BEADMAN).